Политическая история Центрального Вьетнама во II–VIII вв.: Линьи и Чампа
Захаров Антон Олегович
Ответственный редактор: Тюрин Владимир Александрович
Москва, 2015, 160 стр.
Книга содержит исследование политической истории и политической организации царств, существовавших в древности на территории нынешнего Центрального Вьетнама, в первую очередь Линьи и Чампы. Предлагаются переводы ранних санскритских надписей из Центрального Вьетнама на русский язык. Реконструируется политическая история Чампы в долине р. Тхубона в V–VIII вв.
English version
The book brings together current historiographic trends depicting early history of Central Vietnam lands as an area of mutual rivalry of various political centres with unstable political hegemony. First chapter contains a short overview of the sources of Campā history. The second one tells a history of the kingdom of Linyi known from ancient Chinese sources. The author agrees with an old idea by Rolf Stein (1947) that Linyi and Campā cannot be identified with each other until at least the seventh century. The third chapter gives a brief account of current archaeology of Central Vietnam. The fourth one offers the analysis and the first Russian translation of the Vỏ-cạnh inscription found near Nha Trang. The fifth chapter contains Russian translations of early Campā inscriptions. The author gives a detailed commentary of previous translations into French and English. The sixth chapter reconstructs a history of the kingdom in the Thu Bon River Valley in 5 – 8 centuries. This kingdom since the sixth century had been called Campā.